Job Info Source

To schedule jobs you need to define the source, that is, implement the IJobInfoSource interface. After an application is started the scheduler gets all registered sources and inquires them to get scheduled jobs and make initialization.

Registering Job Info Source

Job sources are created and managed by IoC container so the sources must be registered:


To register all sources of an assembly use the `RegisterJobHandlers()`_ helper:


Persistent Job Info Source

The scheduler allows to add jobs and manage them at runtime using IJobScheduler. By default added at runtime jobs are stored in the memory of the web server so they will be lost after restarting the application. To store jobs in a persistent storage you should install an implementation of the document storage or implement the IJobSchedulerRepository interface, then the jobs will be scheduled even after restarting the application.

Job Info Source Example

To define a job info source you need to implement the IJobInfoSource interface.

class MyJobInfoSource : IJobInfoSource
    public Task<IEnumerable<IJobInfo>> GetJobs(IJobInfoFactory factory)
        var jobs = new[]
                       // Job will be handled every 5 seconds
                           b => b.CronExpression(e => e.Seconds(i => i.Each(0, 5))))

        return Task.FromResult<IEnumerable<IJobInfo>>(jobs);