Using Document Storage

Next instruction shows how to use the document storage API in conjunction with MongoDB.

Configuring Document Storage

1. Install MongoDB

2. Install InfinniPlatform.DocumentStorage.MongoDB package:

dotnet add package InfinniPlatform.DocumentStorage.MongoDB \

3. Call AddMongoDocumentStorage() in ConfigureServices():

 using System;

 using InfinniPlatform.AspNetCore;

 using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

 public class Startup
     public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

         // ...

         return services.BuildProvider();

     // ...

Next using of the document storage differs depending on context: typed or dynamic.

Typed Context

When a document can be presented as a normal .NET class then better use the typed context. In this case you will have all the power static code analysis.

1. Create MyDocument.cs and define a descendant of the Document class:

 using InfinniPlatform.DocumentStorage;

 class MyDocument : Document
     public string Property1 { get; set; }

     // ...

2. Request the IDocumentStorageFactory instance in the constructor:

 using InfinniPlatform.DocumentStorage;

 class MyComponent
     private readonly IDocumentStorage<MyDocument> _storage;

     public MyComponent(IDocumentStorageFactory factory)
         _storage = factory.GetStorage<MyDocument>();

     // ...

3. To access to the documents use IDocumentStorage<TDocument>:

var document = new MyDocument { _id = 1, Property1 = "Hello!" };

// Create

// Read
var document = _storage.Find(i => i._id.Equals(1)).First();

// Update
_storage.UpdateOne(u => u.Set(i => i.Property1, "Hello, World!"), i => i._id.Equals(1));

// Delete
_storage.DeleteOne(i => i._id.Equals(1));

Dynamic Context

When a document can not be presented as a normal .NET class because semi-structured data, you can use the dynamic context. In this case you you will have more flexibility but there is a chance to make mistake and find it only at runtime.

1. Use DynamicDocument to declare dynamic objects

2. Request the IDocumentStorageFactory instance in the constructor:

 using InfinniPlatform.DocumentStorage;

 class MyComponent
     private readonly IDocumentStorage _storage;

     public MyComponent(IDocumentStorageFactory factory)
         _storage = factory.GetStorage("MyDocument");

     // ...

3. To access to the documents use IDocumentStorage:

var document = new DynamicDocument { { "_id", 1 }, { "Property1", "Hello!" } };

// Create

// Read
var document = _storage.Find(f => f.Eq("_id", 1)).First();

// Update
_storage.UpdateOne(u => u.Set("Property1", "Hello, World!"), f => f.Eq("_id", 1));

// Delete
_storage.DeleteOne(f => f.Eq("_id", 1));