Document Attributes

There are several helpful attributes that can make work with documents more convenient.


The DocumentTypeAttribute attribute defines the storage name of the specified document type. By default without its attribute the storage name equals an appropriate type name. It is not always reasonable especially you use existing database or other naming convention. Also this attribute eliminates possibility of accidental renaming the storage during renaming the document class name.

 class Order : Document
     // ...


The DocumentIgnoreAttribute attribute forces the storage to ignore the specified property of the document class. Properties are marked with this attribute will not be stored in a database. It is most applicable for calculated properties, that is properties which values can be calculated based on values of other properties; or when data can not or should not be serialized to be stored in a database.

 class Order : Document
     public double Count { get; set; }
     public double Price { get; set; }

     public double Total => Count * Price;

     // ...


The DocumentPropertyNameAttribute attribute forces the storage to use other name for the specified property of the document class. By default without its attribute field names in a database equal appropriate property names. It is not always reasonable especially you use existing database or other naming convention. Also this attribute eliminates possibility of accidental renaming the field during renaming the document property name.

 class Order : Document
     public double Count { get; set; }

     public double Price { get; set; }

     // ...