Using BLOB Storage

Next instruction shows how to use the BLOB storage API.

1. Install InfinniPlatform.BlobStorage.FileSystem package:

dotnet add package InfinniPlatform.BlobStorage.FileSystem \

2. Call AddFileSystemBlobStorage() in ConfigureServices():

 using System;

 using InfinniPlatform.AspNetCore;

 using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

 public class Startup
     public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

         // ...

         return services.BuildProvider();

     // ...

3. Request the IBlobStorage instance in the constructor:

 class MyComponent
     private readonly IBlobStorage _storage;

     public MyComponent(IBlobStorage storage)
         _storage = storage;

     // ...

4. Use IBlobStorage to access BLOBs:

// Create
Stream blobStream;
BlobInfo blobInfo = _storage.CreateBlob("document.pdf", "application/pdf", blobStream);

// Read
string blobId = blobInfo.Id;
BlobData blobData = _storage.GetBlobData(blobId);

// Update
Stream newBlobStream;
BlobInfo newBlobInfo = UpdateBlob(blobId, "new_document.pdf", "application/pdf", newBlobStream);

// Delete